Neck Pain? How to fix a wry neck

Physio for neck pain gungahlin physio

People walking into the clinic with an acute onset of neck pain and stiffness is a relatively common occurrence here at Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy. I would like to take the opportunity to explain a common pillow and sleep related condition we see: acute wry neck. While this article specifically covers how to fix a…

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13 Steps to the Ultimate Computer Workstation Setup

If you are suffering from headaches, back ache, neck, wrist and/or shoulder pain it may have something to do with your posture and your workstation setup. Making small changes to your workstation setup can reduce or prevent injuries associated with sitting at your desk. With further technological advances, people are using computer workstations more frequently…

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5 Steps for Instant Relief from Migraines & Headaches


Headaches and migraines can affect all of the population. Based on overseas research, it is estimated by the Headaches Australia Organisation that there are up to seven million tension-type headache sufferers (36% for men and 42% for women) and up to three million migraine sufferers in Australia. Headaches and migraines can affect your home life,…

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5 compelling reasons for using a sit-stand desk.

In a previous article we discussed the benefits of having your workstation correctly set up  to minimise the risk of workplace injury due to poor posture and repetitive physical stress. While correct sitting posture is beneficial, sitting all day is not. In this article I’ll be covering the following 5 compelling reasons to start using…

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